Integrated Applications
Case examples of integrated manufacturing solutions for various industries
Tablet Press Feeding / Sachet Filling
Charging powders into a tablet press or a sachet filling machine is a complex operation as it is of upmost importance to prevent any changes of the final product characteristics and integrity.
In most of the cases, the powders will be mixed in given proportions before being packed or compressed. It is therefore vital to guarantee that during the handling of the mixed product, both segregation and de-mixing phenomenon will not take place.
Considering the production of tablets, the powder to be compressed must also have given properties in order to guarantee the proper hardness and stability of the tablets.

Semi-continuous feeding

Semi-continuous feeding
Apart from the direct compression process, powder must go through a dry or wet granulation operation to achieve optimal compressibility conditions.
Likewise to the risk of segregation, it is also imperative to avoid damaging the granules during the handling as this will affect the effectiveness of the compression.
As opposed to gravity charging which may promote de-mixing effects, PTS Powder Transfer System® offers a very simple and elegant solution to transfer and feed mixed powders into tablet presses or sachet filling machines as its design guarantees to transfer powders in dense phase at a very low velocity between 1-3 m/s and at a high concentration (100 - 150 kg powder/kg air) without segregation or particle damages.​
The system can be directly installed on the machine and the powder can be directly transferred either from drums or other containers without requiring any lifting devices or directly from the previous process without requiring the use of intermediate mobile receivers.