Isolator Technology
Filter and tray dryer discharge systems
Filter Dryer Isolator
Depending on the process, filter discharging isolators are generally designed as double-chamber glove box isolators, specifically conceived for use with an on-site filter dryer for toxic or sterile applications.
The upper chamber serves for powder discharge, heel recovery and sampling from the filter dryer and the lower chamber is used for contained powder collection into bags or drums.
​Other equipment such as conical mills, etc. can be easily integrated. CIP wash gun assemblies and rotating spray heads generally provide easy cleaning. The system allows

to discharge powder under containment from small filter dryers to large production scale dryers of a few sqm.
Alternatively, in case of limited height, the filter dryer can be equipped with a single chamber isolator including a discharge hopper at the bottom where the powder can be collected and transferred directly by a PTS Powder Transfer System® to a separate pack-off unit.
Tray Dryer Isolator
Dec can provide isolators for the integration of tray dryers or lyophilizers. This equipment must be specially designed in order to guarantee proper sealing and operation. Trays can be either discharged manually or by using a suction lance connected to the PTS Powder Transfer System®. The isolator can be designed for either toxic or sterile applications.
PTS Powder Transfer System®
IBC Filling
Powder Handling